Development of client-server application for optimization of semiconductor production

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Back-end solution, Front-end solution
Dresden, Germany
Team Outsourcing
Payment model:
Time & Materials
Since July 2017


During this time, we decided to offer the company long-term support for their project. In a short time, we were able to assemble a qualified team of four programmers specializing in C# and .NET technologies. All our programmers take pride of their many years of programming experience and fluent English. The team chosen was well suited to the client’s requirements.

In July 2017, we joined the project. From the very beginning, our programmers regularly visited the client – first every two weeks, and then (to this day) approximately once a month. As a result, the teams had the opportunity to get to know each other well, and the implementation was efficient and effective.

The cooperation has been successful. In the project, we focus primarily on improving the code and architecture of the existing Windows application. In addition, we also create new functionalities required by the company’s clients and give solid substantive support for the German team.

Herstellung von Halbleitern
Maschine produziert Halbleiter

What we are doing?

  • Development of the customer server application development (Windows) for semiconductor production
  • Designing and implementation new features:
    • New data visualisation types for customer data
    • New modelling and metrics implementation
  • Improving code management and quality
    • Large scale code refactoring and memory optimization conducted using the composition over inheritance approach
    • .NET 4.7 to .NET core migration (including WCF to GRPC change)
    • Improve stability of Data Import
    • Re-engineering of existing plots improving performance and new functionalit
  • Creating new functionalities requested by customers
  • Supporting the team in WPF, WCF technology processes
  • Sharing the expertise (organization of internal training)
drei Männer schauen auf den Monitor. Einer von ihnen zeigt mit dem Finger auf den Bildschirm.


Cooperation with us allowed the client to significantly develop their long-term project, Ultimately, the newly implemented modules will replace the existing ones. The new architecture provides better modularity, extendibility and testability. Thus, it supports greater sustainability in terms of integrating new functionality and it helps to maintain a higher overall quality.

Thanks to the high competences and extensive involvement of our team, the company is able to plan and implement significant changes in its system more quickly. In addition, they can now more efficiently and accurately respond to the needs of their customers.

As a result, all these activities will strengthen the position of the customer on the market as a leading provider of software solutions for semiconductor industry, supporting the production of microprocessors.


For several decades, our client has been developing software to support the production process of semiconductor devices. They provide their products, among others, two leading manufacturers in the world.

Recently, the company has come to the conclusion that parts of their system must be significantly improved and adapted to new standards. It soon turned out that the project was being developed at an unsatisfactory pace, based solely on the company’s own resources. The team needed new C# and .NET specialists who could support and accelerate the entire process. Finding programmers with relevant experience and skills in the local market proved unexpectedly difficult and time-consuming. Therefore, they decided on team-outsourcing to find a reliable partner in software development.

Interview with the client

More about our experience in cooperation with us and our experience in working with the Nearshoring model is told by our client in the podcast below.

Nearshoring – Qualitätserhalt statt Sparmodell – mit Martin Rößiger

From the customer

“We increased our software development team with the help of VM.PL. They supported us in every aspect so that the new team was brought up to speed very soon. Great collaboration!”

Martin Rößiger
VP Software Development
Vice President of Software Development


Logo WCF Framework
WPF Framework


This company from Dresden is a leading provider of of manufacturing software solutions for optimization and control in processes for the latest semiconductor technologies. Established more than a decade ago, it is growing dynamically. Currently, the company has clients and representatives all over the world – Europe, the United States and Asia. Their strength is an international, interdisciplinary and an experienced team of specialists.

Automatisierung der Halbleiterproduktion

Manufacturing automation for semiconductor customer

Design, Development, DevOps or Cloud – which team do you need to speed up work on your projects?
Chat with your consultation partners to see if we are a good match.

Jakub Orczyk

Member of the Management Board/ Sales Director VM.PL

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