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/ 10.06.2024 Business, Project Management, Software development

Top 6 Tips for Estimating and Controlling Application Scaling Costs 

Every CTO (Chief Technology Officer) knows that software should be written to be easy to scale. Addressing this aspect in the software development process allows for the full utilization of available resources and high performance. How can the cost of scaling be estimated so that it achieves its goal without consuming the organization’s budget?  As […]
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/ 13.05.2024 Artificial Intelligence

8 Popular Machine Learning Algorithms for Predictive Modeling 

Have you ever wondered how companies can accurately predict future trends and behaviors? The answer lies in the potential of machine learning algorithms in predictive analytics.  Machine learning is revolutionizing the way we analyze data and make informed decisions—from predicting stock prices to detecting fraudulent activity.   In this article, we will focus on basic ML […]
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Jakub Orczyk

Member of the Management Board/ Sales Director VM.PL

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