

Java EE, Spring, JPA (Hibernate)

Java is the programming language we most often apply. We implement a number of various projects (mainly in the German market) and we are constantly acquiring new ones.

We attach great importance to using the latest technologies and tools. In our work, we use the modern Spring Boot 2 framework, for example.

Our highly qualified Java team is always happy to share their knowledge and competences. Thus, if there is such a need, we can help you technologically upgrade your project with Java, improve the quality of the code or system architecture.

Logo Java
Dev Team matters

Java development

Programming languages:

  • Java SE
  • Java EE


  • Spring Framework
  • Hibernate
  • Distributed Applications
  • EJB
  • bpmn
  • JSF
  • SOAP
  • REST


  • Jenkins
  • Eclipse
  • IntelliJ
  • Apache
  • Tomcat
  • Git
  • Maven
  • SVN
  • Ant
  • JBoss


  • Oracle Database
  • MariaDB
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis

Realizowane projekty w Java

/ Projects we are proud of

Other projects

/ Projects we are proud of

Logo Plan Software
Client: Plan Software – online shop for configuring, ordering and buying paper machines. Parts or entire machines can be purchased there.
Technologies: JavaScript
Industry: IT Services & Consulting
Task: Improvements in the shop and software language updates.
Model: Team Outsourcing
Duration: since October 2022
City: Saarbrücken, Germany
Logo advalyze
Client: Advalyze – Internet Marketing Agency from Berlin
Technologies: Java, PHP, Symfony, Magento
Industry: Marketing & Advertising
Task: Online shop implementation and support in web application development
Model: Team Outsourcing
Duration: Since 2016
City: Berlin, Germany
Logo Datameer
Client: Datameer – creates a cloud-based app to perform operations on databases. This project allows data engineers and analysts to transform and model data directly in their cloud warehouses using simple SQL code or an interface without coding.
Technologies: React, JavaScript
Industry: IT Services & Consulting
Task: UI code maintenance, refactoring and development. We support the app expansion to perform database operations via the cloud.
Model: Team Outsourcing
Duration: from January 2022
City: Halle (Saale), Germany
Logo LektorKlett
Client: Lektor Klett – Publishing House
Technologies: PHP, Symfony, JavaScript, Angular_pełne, Java, Obejctive C
Industry: Publishing house
Task: Web and mobile Multibook creation
Model: Project Outsourcing
Duration: 12 months
City: Poznań, Poland
Client: IT Sonix – a German Software House, specializing in the automobile industry, with 80 employees
Technologies: Java, Springboot
Industry: Automotive
Task: System used to manage fleet of vehicles for one of the leading truck manufacturers
Model: Team Outsourcing
Duration: 2016-2018
City: Leipzig, Germany