Development of an Application to Support Psychotherapy Clinics

Entwicklung von Anwendungen für psychotherapeutische Praxen
Back-end solution, Front-end solution
Mannheim, Germany
Team Outsourcing
Payment model:
Time & Materials
May 2021 – currently


The German company ergosoft has been developing software solutions for psychotherapy practices for 24 years. Their product portfolio facilitates the work of thousands of psychotherapists and healthcare institutions throughout Germany.  


Ein Mann erzählt der Therapeutin von seinen Problemen.


Since 1999, one of the client’s applications, Psychodat, has been used for the overall management of psychotherapy practices. However, the client wanted its product to have a more intuitive design and to simplify its billing process 

Entwicklung einer Anwendung für Service


We began by redesigning the application to optimize the user experience (UX). Our main tasks included user flow mapping, wireframing, design visualization, and implementation.  

Our work led to the creation of AMBO—a new application dedicated to billing services. This app succeeded in simplifying and organizing processes in a psychotherapeutic clinic. The solution allows our client to streamline payments with Germany’s national health insurance. We used C#, .NET, JavaScript and React.js to develop the web application.  



Our client has been extremely pleased with the tangible successes of the current project and the collaboration with Our work has enabled the client to develop its healthcare product portfolio with virtually no limitations. There are plans to expand cooperation further 

From the customer

“In addition to their technological capabilities, we were impressed by the open corporate culture and internationality.”

Development of an Application to Support Psychotherapy Clinics
Fabian Gundlach
CEO, ergosoft GmbH


Microsoft .NET_3
Logo React
SQL logo
Logo Dapper
Mobile App Combining Education and Social Interaction

Mobile App Combining Education and Social Interaction

Design, Development, DevOps or Cloud – which team do you need to speed up work on your projects?
Chat with your consultation partners to see if we are a good match.

Jakub Orczyk

Member of the Management Board/ Sales Director VM.PL

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