Lublin - Poland

New branch in Lublin!

/ 20.08.2018 News

After many years of existence we have just made the next big step forward, officially opening a new branch on the other side of Poland, in the centre of Lublin.

An office in this location opens up the opportunity for us to collaborate with developers in this region. This solution means we now have a greater degree of flexibility and can employ more developers at one time, especially as the new office is located near the main railway station, which is attractive to potential employees.

We have started with three developers who are now working with our foreign clients on international projects. Lublin is also well connected with European cities so we can meet with foreign clients as easily as from Wrocław.

We would like to thank our partners in Lublin for all their invaluable help with the formalities associated with the opening of the branch. We welcome you to visit us on 1 Maja street number 13 in Lublin.

Category: News

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Jakub Orczyk

Member of the Management Board/ Sales Director VM.PL

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