/ 18.11.2024
Intensive growth and an unprecedented environment have influenced our way of thinking about VM.PL and what we want our organization to represent. While the main focus is on developing a wide range of competencies to become a valuable business partner for our customers, internally we aim to strengthen our growing team. Therefore, I invite you to read an overview of the activity of our small and large community.
Certainly, the most exciting moment for us was the entry into possession of the Boat Office motorboat and its departure from the Topacz Marina in Wrocław. We are the first software house that allows members of our team to use the boat independently – and this is a realistic reflection – our employees crowd take family and friends on cruises. We definitely took full advantage of the previous season for sailing: we organized a Boat Office Party on the occasion of the inauguration of our motorboat, we offered a unique cruise for people from the world of IT, Bartosz Majewski (CEO Casbeg) led his online meeting on our boat, in cooperation with the BEST Wrocław organization we invited PWR students to swim together with our president, we took our clients to business meetings on the motorboat. We are looking forward to the new season that we are opening!
Certainly, the distinguishing feature of VM.PL are custom events, which are primarily dedicated to our colleagues, but we are also open to the entire IT industry, which is why we always invite people from outside our organization. Anyone can always find something for themselves. In order not to be loud, a few examples: for lovers of good drinks, we organized an online whisky tasting, wine tasting in the Orzo restaurant, online rum tasting, for sports fans learning to play golf, skiing and snowboarding, for water sports enthusiasts training for a motorboat helmsman and training RYA, and for people who appreciate time spent with their family in the bosom of nature – a picnic on the occasion of Children's Day. We are also pleased to participate in events organized by other entities, such as the Table Tennis Tournament in Lublin for the IT industry. This year we came back from it exclusively (all the way!) with wonderful memories, but we plan to come for more – meanwhile, those interested bravely practice in the chill room in our office.
Taking care of one of our leading values, i.e., knowledge-sharing, we organize meetups, we have behind us such as "Event storming. Launch of greenfield made easy,” “Automated versioning of software,” “New Scrum Guide: what is new? What is the impact of the changes on agile projects? ".
We also conduct webinars in the new formula # DevSessions – “10 years of Kotlin. An introduction for an experienced Java Developer,” “The simplicity of metaprogramming. Clean code – an oxymoron, a myth, or an opportunity?", "A developer's workshop – which tools will make your project (life) easier? ". Videos of these knowledgeable and direct meetings are available on our YouTube channel.
In the same spirit, we have also started a professional # VMexperts series on YouTube, in which our developers will share their expertise with you. The first episodes are now available!
Cementing the beneficial impact of our organization on the local and wider community, we sponsor many projects related to the IT industry both in Poland and abroad. Our patronage in 2021 included two hackathons – the BEST Hacks organization at the Wrocław University of Technology and CodersCamp. Our developers were mentors of the participants, they also conducted their webinars. Wrocław Computer Science Days is another event where we were very active. Taking care of the spirit of IT competition, during the mentioned events we also organized competitions with extremely attractive prizes, which enjoyed immense success. This year we are not slowing down – on the contrary, we have already had a fascinating conference organized together with the Opole University of Technology and many plans for the near future!
We also target foreign events, which is why we became a sponsor of the Scaling Agile Summit organized by Leipzig Software. We are glad that thanks to our location in Wrocław close to the German border we can be so close to our Customers – also personally. Representation of VM.PL also appeared on IT-Unternehmertag, where we established remarkably interesting contacts and showed the possibilities of our company. And speaking of personal presence, it is worth mentioning Jakub Orczyk, our Head of Sales and Consulting, who not only spends a significant part of the year abroad visiting VM.PL Customers, but also last year shared his many years of experience and expertise at a conference organized by Coders Lab.
By cultivating close relationships with our foreign business partners, we invest in education. VM.PL has many native speakers teaching German and English, and recently we offer our employees French and Spanish lessons. Because German is extremely important to us, we have also organized additional courses dedicated strictly to the IT industry, to which we invite all interested parties, also from outside our organization. The initiative was received very warmly, so we decided to continue it in the near future.
It is particularly important for us to engage in charity events, on our own initiative we organized a Java course, from which the revenue was entirely donated to the Children's Home in Oborniki Śląskie. We also supported him at Christmas – it is nice to know that we have our own contribution to the ongoing renovation. The feedback within our organization has reassured us that # VMteam members want to help, so we are planning even more of this type of activity.
In the course of the almost 18-year history of VM.PL, we have recently experienced an extremely fast growth, which was quite a challenge, but we feel that we have managed, although we still plan to reach for even more, so keep your fingers crossed for us!
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