Aachener Dom

We joined BITMi!

/ 04.01.2023 Quality Assurance (QA)

Since January 2023, we are a proud member of another technology cluster from the DACH region. VM.PL has joined the Bundesverband IT-Mittelstand e. V.! BITMi is a professional IT association representing the interests of medium-sized companies, currently with more than 2,400 organizations in Germany. It brings together both direct members and associations connected to BITMi.

They organize events like IT-Tage, IT-Security Tuesday, or IT-Sicherheitstag. Meetings are both online and offline, and we hope to be able to participate in them soon. The organization has various thematic sections – IoT, IT Security, Cooperative business models, Sustainability and digitization, and more. Each small or medium-sized IT company is invited to get involved in those groups and share their know-how. That’s how all the members can benefit from mutual exchange.

We are proud to be a part of this association and thrilled to uncover new opportunities regarding cooperation and networking among other members.

Design, Development, DevOps or Cloud – which team do you need to speed up work on your projects?
Chat with your consultation partners to see if we are a good match.

Jakub Orczyk

Member of the Management Board/ Sales Director VM.PL

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